Seattle Public Schools


Volunteer Handbook

Volunteer Program Values and Guidelines

Thank you for volunteering in Seattle Public Schools! You are making an important contribution to our school district and its students, and we want you to know that we value your time, energy, and expertise. Please click on each plus sign below to expand and read sections.


SPS volunteer

An SPS volunteer is a person recruited by SPS and matched with a volunteer role supporting SPS personnel and SPS-sponsored activities. Volunteers are not paid by any source for their service.

A volunteer shall serve in such capacity without compensation or employee benefits of any type, except for worker’s compensation as provided for in the district’s self-insured program.  Volunteers serve at the discretion of the school leader, program manager or teacher and may be released from volunteering at any time. See Policy No. 5630.

Non-SPS volunteers serving in SPS schools

SPS partners with many community-based organizations (CBOs) that provide services in our schools. Schools also rent their space for use by parent-teacher organizations and enrichment vendors. Staff and volunteers supporting activities provided by these organizations are not SPS volunteers and cannot be screened using the SPS volunteer application process. CBOs, PTAs, and vendors must use their own HR systems and are obligated to screen and train their staff and volunteers according to SPS requirements. They must also carry insurance coverage for organizations serving youth and children. If your student participates in activities provided by anyone other than SPS staff, please inquire with them directly about how they screen and train their staff and volunteers.

I. Types of SPS volunteer applications

1. Event Volunteer Application

The Event Volunteer application is reserved only for one-time volunteers recruited by the Volunteer Enhancement Projects team. Event volunteers do not interact with SPS students and typically serve during non-school days.

2. Athletics Volunteer Coach Application

Athletic volunteer coaches ( i.e. on the field, in the weight room, in the gym, working directly with student-athletes as support) must complete an application and onboarding process via the SPS Athletics Department. Athletic sports include Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Slow Pitch, Soccer, Softball/Fast Pitch, Swim, Tennis, Track, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee (Middle School only), Volleyball, Wrestling.

Volunteers supporting athletic activities (event set-up/break-down, snack/t-shirt distribution, etc.) should complete the school volunteer application process (see below).

3. School Volunteer Application

This application is for volunteers involved in student-focused activities organized by school staff. Examples of school volunteer roles include classroom and library support, lunch/recess, field trips, tutoring, etc.

Sport Volunteers

Volunteers supporting sports organized by school staff and not the Athletics Department, complete the school volunteer application and select “Category C” clearance level. In addition, the school must collect copies of CPR and First Aid certificates and proof of completing Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Courses.

II. School volunteer settings

1. In-person School Volunteers

Volunteers who serve in person on school property or during SPS-sponsored activities off campus.

2. Remote Volunteers

Individuals whose volunteer activities are performed from home, work, or any location other than the classroom or SPS property. See “Remote Volunteers” section of this handbook for additional information. 

3. Field Trip Volunteers

  • An approved school volunteer can be recruited to support field trips.
  • Must be at least 21 years old for K-8 field trips and 25 for grades 9-12.
  • Field trip volunteers typically meet staff in the school building before departing by bus, personal vehicle, or on foot (walking field trips). 
  • Field trip volunteer roles include chaperones and drivers.
  • Unlike school volunteers, volunteers who support field trips are entrusted with student supervision responsibilities. In addition to completing the requirements for school volunteers, chaperones and field trip drivers must learn about safety and understand SPS student supervision guidelines.

For Chaperone Guidelines and Volunteer Driver Check List, visit the Field Trips web page managed by SPS Risk Management.

III. Clearance categories for school volunteers

1. Category A (supervised student contact) 

  • School and remote volunteer roles that support the school, staff, or families
  • Role can include direct student contact if the volunteer is supervised
  • District personnel must be on-site and within view if the volunteer will interact with students. Alternatively, another approved adult SPS volunteer must participate in the activity and be present at all times.

Examples: classroom or library assistance, field trip planning, office or recess helpers, school newsletter editor, one-, two-, and three-day field trip chaperones.

2. Category B (select chaperones)

• Category B clearance is required for overnight field trip chaperones if the trip lasts four or more days, e.g., Nov 5 departure and Nov 8 return. Category B volunteers can also perform Category A roles.

3. Category C (unsupervised student contact)

  • All in-person and remote volunteer roles that involve contact with students without staff or additional approved Category A volunteers present.

Examples: breakout room facilitator (in a virtual classroom), volunteer facilitating an official school club, one-on-one tutor (remote or at the school), mentor.

IV. Visitors vs. One-Time Volunteers

1. School visitor

  • A visitor is a person who was invited to attend a meeting with school staff or a school event.
  • This person has no unsupervised exposure or contact with children.
  • Visitors are required to report their presence at the school office or other designated locations, except for off-site events such as athletics, performing arts, etc.

Examples: Parents attending conferences with teachers, guest/resource speakers, senior exhibition panel members, and family attending the Back to School Bash.

Visitors must:

  • Be sponsored or approved by a school site or district employee.
  • Sign in on the district-approved “Visitor Sign-in Sheet” in the main office.
  • Display a visitor identification badge that they will surrender following the event or activity.

Visitors must follow any additional school-specific visitor rules. 

2. One-Time Volunteer

Schools can utilize the One-Time Volunteer role for one event in the school year where a larger number of volunteers is needed for logistical support (e.g., Field Day, Promotion Ceremony). To ensure student safety, the following criteria must be met:

  • Volunteers can provide logistical event support (set up, break down, counting laps, handing out programs, etc). Volunteer roles focused on students (e.g., coordinating a student activity) must be assigned to approved school volunteers.
  • Each volunteer must have an assigned staff or adult supervisor for the duration of the event.
  • The volunteer role must not include any unsupervised exposure or contact with children.
  • Volunteers must remain in open and public settings, always within the unobstructed view of staff or adult supervisors.
  • The volunteer sign-up sheet must include an agreement that the volunteer will only volunteer at the school again once they are approved as a school volunteer.
  • The One-Time Volunteer role is a low-barrier opportunity for SPS families to support their student’s school community. This role is not intended for community members at large.

V. Internal volunteers

1. Student Volunteers

SPS students who volunteer at schools other than their assigned school are required to complete and submit the district School Volunteer Application. Our online application generates a parental agreement section when the applicant is a minor.

The application is also advised if the student is volunteering in their own school to document service learning hours. 

Please note minors must be supervised by adults when volunteering with SPS students.

2. Employee Volunteers

Full-time and part-time employees who volunteer in their child’s school or outside of work hours must complete the SPS volunteer application (and chaperone guidelines if applicable). Additional background checks or proof of ASMP course completion are not required (already verified by HR). Substitute employees must complete the same steps to volunteer with SPS as non-employees.

Purpose of School Volunteer Programs

  • To support academic achievement and district goals, to assist SPS educators in providing basic skills instruction, to enrich the quality of instruction, to enhance interpersonal experiences for students, and to assist SPS staff with support services.
  • To increase children’s motivation for learning.
  • To support supplementary instruction such as, but not limited to, tutoring/mentoring.
  • To provide aspiring educators with opportunities to volunteer in schools.
  • To strengthen school-community understanding and relations through positive participation.
  • To promote family involvement by actively supporting and seeking collaboration with parent-teacher organizations, school/community advisory councils, etc.
  • To enhance district educational programs, not to displace district employees.

Volunteering in schools provides many benefits:

  • improved understanding of schools and education,
  • skill development,
  • expansion of personal and professional networks,
  • academic and/or professional resume building,
  • improved quality of life and health: a sense of fulfillment, a boost in life satisfaction,
  • pathway to employment,
  • enjoyment of participating in the education of one’s child or family member.

Being a Volunteer

Volunteering in a school is a unique and exciting experience and a benefit to both the school and the volunteer. It is designed to promote and maintain a supportive relationship between students, their schools and their community.

Volunteers should be:

  • Friendly and caring.
  • Reliable and flexible.
  • Understanding and appreciative of the work of the school staff and the volunteer program.

Volunteers should have:

  • A professional attitude and an ability to work cooperatively with school staff.
  • Interest in working with young people.
  • Good moral character.
  • Time and willingness to serve.
  • An understanding of the important role that education plays in the lives of children and our communities.

Please keep in mind that volunteering will involve learning new skills and learning about students. The school’s role, and therefore the role of the school volunteer, is always to improve the academic achievement of our students. We do this in a variety of ways including academic instruction and personal support.

2019-24 Seattle Public Schools Strategic Plan

Seattle Public Schools is committed to making sure every student graduates prepared for college, a career, and community participation. Seattle Excellence, our five-year strategic plan is focused on supporting students of color who are furthest away from educational justice. Volunteering with SPS provides families and community members opportunities to participate in this effort by:

  • creating safe and welcoming school communities,
  • volunteering as reading tutors to support the 3rd-grade reading goal and our Seattle Super Readers,
  • volunteering with middle school students in support of achieving and exceeding 7th grade math proficiency goals,
  • growing cultural responsiveness as part of their volunteer service.

Educational and Racial Equity

Video Transcript:

To underscore the importance Seattle School District places on equal educational opportunities, Policy 0030 ensures Educational and Racial Equity for every student. This includes cultural literacy expectations for staff.

This policy states that the Seattle School Board is committed to the success of every student in each of our schools and to achieving our mission of ensuring that all students graduate ready for college, career and life.

We believe that the responsibility for student success is broadly shared by District Staff, administrators, instructors, communities and families.

We are focused on increasing academic achievement for every student while closing the opportunity gaps and creating learning communities that provide support and academic enrichment programs for all students.

We have historically underserved specific populations of students and we must address this issue to eliminate disproportionality in education and in all aspects of its administration.

The concept of educational equity goes beyond formal equality where all students are treated the same to fostering a barrier-free environment where all students, regardless of their race, class or other personal characteristics have the opportunity to benefit equally.

Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity School Board Policy #0030

Seattle Public Schools has made eight commitments to the success of every student in each of our schools.

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Equitable Access The district shall provide every student with equitable access to a high-quality curriculum, support, facilities and other educational resources, even when this means differentiating resource allocation.

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Racial Equity Analysis The district shall review existing policies, programs, professional development and procedures to ensure the promotion of racial equity, and all applicable new policies, programs and procedures will be developed using a racial equity analysis tool.

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Workforce Equity The district shall actively work to have the teacher and administrator workforce be balanced and reflect the diversity of the student body. The district shall recruit, employ, support and retain a workforce that includes racial, gender, and linguistic diversity, as well as culturally competent administrative, instructional and support personnel.

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Professional Development The district shall provide professional development to strengthen employees· knowledge and skills for eliminating opportunity gaps and other disparities in achievement.

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Welcoming School Environments The district shall ensure that each school creates a welcoming culture and inclusive environment that reflects and supports the diversity of the district’s student population, their families and community.

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Partnerships The district will include other partners who have demonstrated culturally specific expertise -including families, government agencies, institutes of higher learning, early childhood education organizations, community-based organizations, businesses, and the community in general – in meeting our high goals for educational outcomes.

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Multiple Pathways to Success The district shall provide multiple pathways to success in order to meet the needs of the diverse student body, and shall actively encourage, support and expect high academic achievement for all students.

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Recognizing Diversity Consistent with state regulations and district policy and within budgetary considerations, the district shall provide materials and assessments that reflect the diversity of students and staff, and which are geared towards the understanding and appreciation of culture, class, language, ethnicity and other differences that contribute to the uniqueness of each student and staff member.

Becoming a Volunteer

To begin volunteering with the school district, you must follow the volunteer applicant district requirements. Once approved, you must:

  1. ALWAYS sign in and out through the school office when you come to the school. (This is an important procedure for the safety of our children and it allows us to track your hours for insurance and district information purposes.)
  2. Wear a name badge when volunteering.

When dressing for volunteering, consider the following:

  • Look to the educators you’ll be working with for dress code direction. “Business casual” can be appropriate for high school, while kindergarten volunteers may need to be more practical with their clothing and wear more comfortable clothes that may get a little dirty during art projects or while reading on the floor.
  • Volunteers should generally wear clean, neat, and appropriate clothing for a school setting. Avoid overly revealing or tight-fitting garments and clothing with offensive language, images, or logos.
  • Be mindful of cultural and religious attire – respect diverse cultural expressions among students, staff, and fellow volunteers.
  • Volunteers are encouraged to wear school colors or spirit wear on designated days to promote a sense of community!

Volunteer Responsibilities

Volunteering in schools strengthens family engagement and provides community members with valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. Please review the following volunteer responsibilities carefully – they are informed by state and federal laws, district policies, and were created to ensure safe, predictable and positive learning environments for students: 

  1. Prior to volunteering, volunteers must submit the SPS online volunteer application, complete Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training, and meet criteria for background check clearance.
  2. Seattle Public Schools students come from many different families, cultures, and communities. We celebrate diversity and nurture cultural and ethnic pride in our students. Please listen and learn about the backgrounds and values of students you interact with. Do not impose your personal values and beliefs onto the students.
  3. Positive relationships allow students to learn and thrive. Help staff create affirming learning communities by knowing and caring for the students you volunteer with.
  4. Choose a commitment level you can keep. Students and staff count on volunteer tutors and classroom helpers to be dependable and regular in attendance. Volunteers who miss shifts or resign early cause confusion among students and create distrust towards volunteers in general. For classroom volunteers, SPS strongly recommends a minimum three-month commitment. Some schools offer one-day or project-based volunteer opportunities for community members who prefer shorter-term engagement.
  5. Sign in and sign out; wear a school/department issued volunteer badge at all times.
  6. Volunteers are important role model for students. Familiarize yourself with the SPS Basic Rules and your school’s values and expectations of students.
  7. Support and supplement the instructional program of the classroom teacher. The volunteer’s role is assistance.
  8. Engage with students in a respectful and age appropriate manner and maintain the highest professional, moral and ethical standards in your interaction with students (Policy 5253).
  9. Do not share your contact information with students, including social media information.
  10. Do not request or collect the student’s contact information, residential information, social media information, or information identifying the student’s family.
  11. Know and observe all regulations and procedures in the school building (i.e. fire drills, accident reporting, lunch and coffee privileges, student restroom and drink privileges, inclement weather procedures).
  12. If a student is being unsafe with their body, other students, or school property, use verbal safety reminders, then turn to staff for help if needed. Never physically intervene or restrain a student.  
  13. Respect confidentiality with relationship to the school. Ensure that a child’s work and behavior in school are held in confidence. If your volunteer role involves contact with SPS families, the same confidentiality expectations apply. 
  14. Do not take or post photos or share descriptions of students on personal websites or social media accounts. Exception: volunteer is the student’s parent/guardian.
  15. Do not engage in commercial, political, or religious solicitation of students or staff.
  16. Do not bring minors, including own children, when volunteering at the school or during school-sponsored events or field trips.
  17. Discuss problems that arise with your point staff member.
  18. Report suspected abuse or neglect immediately to your point staff member, the principal, or another school district employee. Staff will do reporting and follow-up.

Remote Volunteers perform volunteer duties from home, work, or any location other than the classroom, school building, grounds, or any other type of school property.

Many school volunteer roles have been performed remotely prior to COVID-19 (e.g. preparing classroom materials, organizing field trips, editing newsletters), however, school closures created a need for most traditional SPS volunteer opportunities to become remote and dependent on technology. For this reason, SPS formalized our remote volunteer roles guidelines to support schools in creating safe remote volunteer engagement pathways.

Becoming a Remote Volunteer

If you already are approved to volunteer with SPS but not as a “remote/virtual volunteer”, ask the staff member who recruited you for support to determine if the role will be a Category A or a Category B volunteer.

Category A remote volunteers are screened using the same process as traditional school volunteers. Category B remote volunteers are matched with remote roles more intentionally, have their references checked specifically for online interactions with children and youth, and are required to follow extra safety protocols. If your remote volunteer role will fall under Category B, you will also need to purchase a national background check. Here is how:

  • Log into the volunteer portal and click “update application”
  • Go to a section titled “Determining Your Background Check” and select “B. I was recruited to serve as a Category B volunteer.”
  • Keep scrolling until you can click “Save”.
  • An email from our national background check vendor Sterling Volunteers will arrive in your inbox shortly – check your “junk/spam/bulk” folder if you can’t locate it.
  • Follow included instructions. Sterling Volunteers will notify you as soon as your background check is complete (usually 1-2 days).

In lieu of a “sign-in sheet” used in school buildings for arriving volunteers, remote volunteers complete an online “sign-in sheet” or “session report form”. Please ask staff for a link. Example of a ‘sign in sheet’.

Logistics & Safety

  • Remote volunteers can interact with SPS students via an SPS Microsoft Teams account only.
  • Volunteer sessions must be scheduled by the school’s designated remote volunteer program coordinator or teacher.
  • Volunteer email in invitations must match email in their volunteer application.
  • Volunteer must ensure no one else has the ability to join an online session with the student using their device.
  • Parent/guardian is included in session invitations to have the ability to pop in or observe sessions.
  • Each session with student(s) must be concluded by completing a session report provided by the teacher. 

Student Privacy & Confidentiality

  • Remember that all SPS volunteers, including remote volunteers, must keep student’s information confidential.
  • Do not discuss your students with friends, partner/spouse, etc.
  • Do not save photos of the sessions (screenshots) or record sessions on your personal device, do not keep student-identifiable documents or notes.
  • Do not exchange contact or social media information with the student.

Presentation & Environment

  • Be aware of your physical presentation on screen and your surroundings.
  • Dress appropriately as you would when volunteering in a school building.
  • Make sure your background is appropriate and not too distracting for the student.
  • If screen sharing educational materials, please ensure the student will not be exposed to any inappropriate or distracting content on your desktop.


Why do I need to purchase a background check to tutor students remotely?

COVID and resulting school closures changed volunteer engagement pathways dramatically. One unexpected impact on our program was a much greater need for volunteers to complete the national-level background check required for supporting students without staff supervision.
In previous years, few volunteers needed a national background check because volunteers supported students in one classroom or library space with the teacher present and able to monitor interactions. Unfortunately, teacher supervision during online tutoring and in break-out rooms is not practical or possible. Additionally, compared to volunteering in person, remote volunteering with students presents higher risks of exploitation, abuse, or exposure to explicit or violent materials. If the background check fee presents a financial hardship for you, you can:

  • contact the school’s PTSA and ask if they reimburse for background checks,
  • alternatively, you can ask the teacher if they can pair you with another Category A volunteer who will co-lead online activities with you so none of you are alone with students.
Are caretakers considered “remote volunteers”?

Caretakers play a vital role in helping students access and navigate online learning. If the caretaker only assists and interacts with their own student(s), they are not considered volunteers.

Volunteers have the right to:

  1. Know as much about the school as possible, including its policies, its people and its programs.
  2. Training for the job and continuing education that is thoughtfully planned and effectively presented. Information about new developments and training for greater responsibility should follow periodically.
  3. Sound guidance and direction by someone who is experienced, informed, patient, thoughtful and has the time to invest in giving guidance.
  4. A suitable assignment with consideration for personal preference, temperament, life experience, education and employment background.
  5. A variety of experiences, through transfer of one activity to another, and through special project assignments.
  6. Be heard, have a part in planning, feel free to make suggestions, and have respect shown for an honest opinion or different perspective.
  7. Recognition through day-by-day expression of appreciation, or some tangible evidence by being treated as a co-worker. 

Student Confidentiality

  • Students in Seattle Public Schools have the right to expect that information about them will be kept confidential.
  • All information contained within a student’s educational record is considered confidential and protected by a federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), 20 U.S.C. Section 1232g.
  • Volunteers are expected to maintain student confidentiality.
  • If the volunteer’s role involves contact with SPS families (e.g. family tech support, outreach, supplies delivery), volunteers are also required to keep that information confidential.

Each student you work with has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or about him or her will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school department employees, as designated by the administrators at your volunteer site. You may NOT share information about a student with anyone, including your best friend, significant other, or individuals who are genuinely interested in the student’s welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, grandparents, or nurses/physicians. Thus, you must refer all such questions to authorized school employees, typically the student’s teacher or principal.

Information about a student may be communicated to school staff and school administration. Information shall be communicated immediately if it is a medical emergency OR if a student shares information that indicates a threat of imminent physical injury to the student or others. Before you speak about a student to another person, remember that violating a student’s confidentiality is not only impolite; it’s also against the law.

Student Safety and Your Liability

Maintaining Professional Staff/Student Boundaries

Video Transcript:

The School Board expects all staff and volunteers to maintain the highest professional, moral and ethical standards in their interaction with students.

Personal information about yourself should be shared only as it is relevant to the work you are doing with the student. Avoid giving personal contact information such as your address, phone, and email.

Do not engage in social media communications with your students, for example –  Facebook, Instagram, etc.  Also, do not text or email a student. Exception: Volunteers approved to tutor students one-on-one (can only communicate with students using their assigned SPS email address).

Where should I work with a student?

Locations will vary, depending upon availability and the preference of the student’s teacher. Many schools are crowded, so you may end up working with the student in the hallway.

Sometimes a teacher will direct you to an empty classroom. Be sure to leave the door open at all times, and to sit in two desks which are easily seen by those passing by. Always work in a public area, on site.

If you are working with a student in an after school program, it may be tempting to offer the student a ride home. Never go off site with a student, and never give them a ride in your car. Your volunteer experience is limited to the public school setting.

As the relationship with a student progresses, he/she will begin to trust you and may start to confide in you. You should take time to listen and show them that you care about them. However, do not make a promise you cannot keep. If a student reveals information relating to a possible abusive situation, let the student know that you care and are there to listen but that you are required to pass this information on to a teacher, counselor, or principal who can offer them help. There is also a chance that someone may already have insight into the situation, which could help you to understand and work better with that student.

Can I hug my student?

Some students, especially at the elementary level, will naturally become attached and show affection. Students may crave affection and attention, so it is important that you handle the situation with sensitivity. A front hug is inappropriate and should be avoided. So carefully put your arm around a child’s shoulder and turn it into a side hug. Use other signs of affection, such as “high fives”, and remember the appropriate places to touch students (see next section). In addition, regardless of age, students should never sit on your lap.

What are some safer touch areas?*

Areas that are safest to touch are:

  • Shoulders
  • Upper Back
  • Arms
  • Hands

Remember to keep in mind the cultural perspective and personal context of touch from the student’s perspective. Cultural influences, beliefs and personal history affects a student’s comfort level regarding personal boundaries. Some children are not inviting of touch and may want more personal space; respect their wishes. In general, touch all students in a consistent manner.

* Special circumstances will arise where touch that exceeds these guidelines will be necessary. Special education, nursing and coaching may require additional student contact for the health and hygiene needs of the student. Be clear (to yourself and the student) about when, where, why and how you are touching the student.

What are some signs of possible child abuse?

The following factors may be present when abuse has occurred, but do not guarantee an abusive situation. If any of the following signs are present in your child, you are required to alert the teacher, principal, or counselor so that they can further investigate the situation:

  • Signs of injury, such as welts, bruising, cuts, burns, fractures, or swellings.
  • A history of repeated, untreated, or unexplained physical injury.
  • A contradiction between the story, “I fell off my bed”, and the physical evidence, such as repeated bruising.
  • The child appears to be uncomfortable or fearful when talking about the injury.
  • Child alludes to or seems preoccupied with sexual matters.

Sexual Harassment of Students is Prohibited

Review Board Policy 3208 to learn how SPS ensures a positive and productive educational environment free from sexual harassment.

Practical tips for maintaining safe boundaries with students

  • Never connect with students via social media or using your personal email or phone.
  • Do not invite students to lunch or any activities outside your official volunteer shift/duties. As volunteers, we learn about additional challenges faced by students, such as food insecurity. If you would like to help beyond your current volunteer role, please inquire with your supervisor about the school’s existing family safety programs you could support, like the weekend “food backpack program” or the school pantry. Those established support avenues are a great way for volunteers to get involved in without violating FERPA rules.
  • If seated by a student side by side to tutor one-on-one, maintain visible space.
  • Do not intervene with a student physically – alert staff immediately when witnessing physical conflict between students.
  • Safe physical touch areas include shoulders, upper back, arms, and hands (e.g., high-fives and fist bumps). Always pay attention to the student’s body language – some students prefer no touch at all. Your friendly face and body language, cheerful voice, and positive feedback will help you build excellent tutor relationships with those students.

What is the purpose of these rules?

The Seattle School District wants you, as volunteers, to carry out your responsibilities in a caring and appropriate manner. We want you to feel comfortable about hugging and touching kids and we want you to feel safe and to have guidelines that will assist you in creating and maintaining a safer environment for you and the students you work with.

Volunteer Placement Checklist

Printable resource for volunteers and educators: Volunteer placement sheet

  • When you first meet with your teacher/supervisor, plan to discuss the following:
    Days and times to work in classroom/school.
  • Procedures for volunteer and teacher/supervisor to keep in touch (regular conferences, telephone conversations, notes, informal meetings).
  • Alternate plans for days when the teacher/supervisor is absent.
  • How the teacher/supervisor will tell volunteer of the day’s assignment (folder, note or other means).
  • How the students will address the volunteer (school or volunteer’s preference of having students use first name or Mr. /Ms. /Mrs.).
  • Materials, strategies or games to be used.
  • Teacher/supervisor’s classroom/school policies, procedures and rules (such as management system, reinforcement techniques, organizational plans, emergency procedures, where volunteer leaves personal belongings, and whether volunteer is welcome in teachers’ lounge and lunchroom).
  • Dates of required and suggested trainings.
  • Protocol for informing school/teacher/student about volunteer absence.

If you work on academic areas with students, you should also discuss:

  • Pertinent background information about the student(s) the volunteer will work with (within the appropriate standards of student information confidentiality).
  • Special strengths of the student(s).
  • Special needs of the student(s).
  • Tips for working with specific students (learning style and reinforcement techniques).
  • Procedures for taking student(s) out of classroom for individual work.
  • Designation of work area location.
  • Alternate plan if student is absent.

The volunteer program liaison, teacher or supervisor at the school can assist you with any questions or concerns you might have with your placement.

Tips for Volunteers

  1. Be patient when working with students. Give yourself time to find your niche.
  2. Names are important. Make sure you say the student’s name the way the student wants it to be said. Learn to spell it correctly. Make sure the student knows your name and can pronounce it correctly.
  3. Treat individuals with respect and courtesy and expect the same in return.
  4. Show that you are interested in the student as a person by listening carefully to what they say and showing you care by words and action.
  5. Encourage and support student successes. Build self-confidence by praising them honestly and frequently. Remember attentiveness and effort can be as important as performance. Accentuate the positive and minimize the negative.
  6. Avoid making comparisons between students, between teachers and between schools.
  7. Always remember to be fair and consistent.
  8. Students make mistakes. Let them know that making mistakes is part of learning. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes yourself.
  9. Be trustworthy and honest in your approach and attitude. Students will trust and respect you when you are “real.”
  10. If you must be absent, call the school and let them know. The students will be disappointed you can’t come, but are reassured that you care enough to call.

Did you know that our online volunteer application and portal saves over 100,000 sheets of paper every school year? Thank you for helping us save trees and education funds!

  • SPS transitioned to a paperless volunteer application system in August 2018.
  • If you completed an electronic volunteer application after this date, you can access your expired or active application through the volunteer portal.
  • If you are a returning volunteer but have previously only completed a paper application, please follow instructions for new volunteers

How do I access the volunteer portal?

Visit the portal login page

Logging into the SPS volunteer portal for the first time

  1. Visit  Good Samaritan Website
  2. Enter the email address you used to apply with us originally
  3. Enter your birth date
  4. An email will be sent to you shortly with a link to create a password (check your junk/bulk/spam box if you can’t locate it). You must click on provided link within 30 minutes
  5. Visit the portal login page

Updating or renewing your volunteer application/profile:

  1. Log into the portal here
  2. On the left, click “Edit or Renew Volunteer Application”
  3. Review each question and mark all required answers
  4. Keep scrolling to the bottom of the web page and click “Save” to submit your updates.
  5. Do not close your web browser until the following message is displayed: “Your profile has been updated!”.

How is volunteer information protected?

SPS and Samaritan Technologies signed a memorandum of agreement for collecting, maintaining, and storing volunteer data to ensure volunteer information is rigorously protected and meets or exceeds accepted industry practices, including specifically the International Organization for Standardization’s standards ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (Information Security Management Systems- Requirements), ISO-IEC 27002:2005 (Code of Practice for International Security Management). Review Samaritan Technologies Terms of Service.

SPS selected  Samaritan Technologies as our partner for volunteer application management. Learn about their safety features and privacy policy

Discrimination is Against the Law!

Seattle Public Schools Seattle Public Schools (“SPS”) provides Equal Educational Opportunities and Equal Employment Opportunities and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex; race; creed; color; religion; ancestry; national origin; age; economic status; sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity; pregnancy; marital status; physical appearance; a disability; veteran or military status; or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal. SPS provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

SPS complies with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: Title IX, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and RCW 49.60 (“The Washington Law Against Discrimination”). SPS’s compliance includes, but is not limited to all District programs, courses, activities, including extra-curricular activities, services, and access to facilities.

Requests for Accommodation

The following employees have been designated to handle questions and concerns about alleged discrimination:

Students and Members of the Public with Concerns

For students and members of the public, the following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Office of Student Civil Rights, 206-252-0306, or, or by mail at Seattle Public Schools, MS 32-149, P.O. Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1166. In that department:

  • Sex Discrimination Concerns For sex discrimination concerns, including sexual harassment, contact: Title IX Coordinator, 206-252-0367, or
  • Disability Discrimination Concerns For disability discrimination concerns contact: ADA/Section 504 Grievance Coordinator, 206-252-0306, or

Filing a Complaint

Students, parents and members of the public can file a complaint by completing and submitting the Seattle Public Schools Discrimination Complaint form.

Employees with Concerns

For employee questions about or requests for disability-related accommodations and/or complaints of alleged discrimination, including sexual harassment, contact: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Seattle Public Schools, Mailstop 33-157, P.O. Box 34165, Seattle, WA 98124-1166, 206-252-0024, or